Lorraine began her training as a silversmith in 1996, specialising in fine jewellery, followed by further courses in design and in printmaking. Her passion for colour and pattern is expressed in her use of anodised aluminium. Her largely self-taught techniques put this medium to ever more imaginative use.
Lorraine’s working process begins with an observation of form and colour, usually taken from our natural surroundings. Whatever the point of inspiration, she usually sees it as the basis of a pattern. Using a variety of printing methods, her experimentation has led her from very naïve block prints, through both abstract and figurative etched and cut lino prints, and sharp and precise digitally imaged screen prints. Whilst it is satisfying to produce a surface that looks good in 2-D, she always keeps in mind how it will look when cut and formed into a 3-D piece – as one would when designing for textiles.
To see Lorraine’s latest work as it appears, and insights into inspiration and process , please follow her Instagram account, which also gives you the opportunity to buy direct if you’d like to. Each piece is unique, some pieces don’t get as far as a Guild show or the Gallery.
Contact Me
Telephone: 01903 502656
Mobile: 07979 028074
Instagram: @